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“Alone or not, you gotta move forward,” -Cecelia Ahern

I always believe that writing is only for deep person, for people who are introverts. They write because no one wants to listen. I am not into writing, I don’t know how to combine deep words to form a sentence with sense. So, please bare with my words and the way I write.

My favorite photo

Hi! Welcome to my blog! I am Ariane May C. Alisna and you can call me whatever you want. I am 17 years old and will reach my legal age this year on August 19. The above picture is my favorite, I just felt proud of myself because I moved up with an honor. Soooo, let’s talk about my attitude. I don’t know if a lot of people hate me for my personality because I haaaateeee myself. If I don’t like you, I don’t like you. If I want to say what I don’t like about you, I will tell you without hesitations and without considerations. But, after saying rude words, I will always be guilty. I will regret saying those words, but I will not apologize. Yes! The pride! Too high lol. Up until now, I really can’t control my words, so I’m sorry for those people whom I have hurt. Aside from having this rude personality, I have my soft side, we all do. If I love the person, I’m talking about my friends and my family, I am being a clingy person and I will always protect them no matter what becomes of me.

Reading books

Reading a book will let the person wander in any place they want. A book is a fake world, that’s what they say but for the readers, books are the things that make us alive. And sometimes we think, books are better than this world. I appreciate Filipino’s works that’s why I rarely read English novels. I’m starting to have interest on old books. I haven’t even finish Rizal’s works, but I want to try Lualhati Bautista’s. I just hope I have more time though.

OPM Bands

Some of them wonder why do I always listen to OPM band songs, I told them, “I am after the deeper meaning of a song,” I always think 90’s songs are the best. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good songs in our generation, but have you ever try listening to the music of 90’s? I’ll tell you, you’ll fall inlove, not only to the song but to the artist as well. Let me share you my most favorite OPM bands: Eraserheads, who doesn’t know this Legend? What I love about them is that they don’t focus on love songs, theiy have music that focuses on social issues, friends, about life and many moreeeee. Parokya Ni Edgar, who doesn’t love this band? Their songs are so on-point! And heeeeey, they reached 2 decades already, that’s how passionate they are! Lastly, Hale, this is somehow an underrated band. But, if you try to listen to their songs, you’ll get hooked. I just love these three so much.

Alright, I’m being talkative I’ll stop. If you want to know me more, please take time to read my blogs. Thank you!

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